Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chapter 14

I started to walk around with my baby for a while.  Half the time I would freeze and wonder what the heck I was doing.
Okay Pumell-I don't doubt that what you said was true.  Everything I'm told is usually true anyway-and you would never lie to me, why would you?  You aren't a good actor, Pumell, so what you say is a hundred percent true.
I covered my baby up a little more and held him closer.  What am I thinking, anyway?  How can he possibly be any safer outside our house?  The only advantage is if someone comes, I'll be ready to be on the move so they don't get Ross.  But really-who goes out on their own like this-and on the moon?  Why did Pumell seem to encourage it?  Certainly, he was sincere that he loved me?  Maybe he just knows that I'll find something-think of something.  Or maybe he wants Ross to be brought to his doom so I'll come crawlin back to him.  No, he knows that I will think of something, he has nothing against Ross!  He doesn't really want him dead.  But what will I do?  What does he think I can do?...

It seemed as though I was wallowing in my thoughts for hours, but I really wasn't.  I hadn't walked too far from Pumell's house-when all of a sudden a girl appeared before me.  It was strange-no one else was out (thank llama), then I blink and a girl stood before me.  There was only one explanation...
The girl didn't look like anyone from the government wanting to take my baby away.  She was too non-threatening...she had these nice, curly pigtails, and she was extremely pale with white hair.  It seemed as though she suffered from albinism just a bit.  I know that some people in the government can look non-threatening specifically for the reason of letting your guard down, but I had a gut feeling that this girl wants no harm to come from Ross.
Then, she walked toward me, and I surprised myself that I didn't instinctively clutch Ross closer.

"What are you doing just walking around with your baby like this?  Do you know what could happen to him?"
"Um-yes...kinda.  I just learned about this today-"
She nodded, as if everyone knew I was so clueless.
I asked the question I've been dying to know ever since Pumell told me about babies being forbidden, "why is the government doing this?"
"Well-officially no one really knows anything, but really we all do, but we're not supposed to talk about it.  I'm sorry I can't mention it to you."
I would've gasped, but why bother?  It's obvious that everyone's in on some big secret that I have no clue about.  I can't even start to guess what it could be!  How could a secret be so big, that everyone on the moon is in on it except me?  Maybe that's why my name bothered that lady so much when I tried for that interview...
"Come on-enough chit chat.  I have to take you somewhere..."
"Um-where exactly would that be?"
"Just touch me-we'll have to teleport there.  You haven't teleported yet today?"

I touched her, and we ended up...erm...I don't know where we ended up.
I don't teleport often at all.  Harah has taught me to use it as rarely as possible because it's an energy drainer, but sometimes it's necessary.  And I'm pretty sure that keeping my baby safe makes it necessary!  It's not like she would take me to a building where they'll kill Ross-no, that wasn't likely, and I took the chance, and I was glad I did.
I looked around the room, and I gasped.  I was in some sort of an underground room-at least it seemed that way-there were no windows.  The room itself was bright and cheery, which brought a smile to my face.  I gasped again when I realized that I was in an underground playground-and there were children about.  Children!  
But-I have never seen a child before, since I was a child.  Does that mean...that this law passed just a few years ago?  No, it must've been before then, because I don't recall there ever being kids much younger than me...What could this mean?
"Wh-what is this place?"
"I have taken you here because you and your baby will be safe.  I can just arrange a room for you and your baby-and no harm will come to him."
"But how do you know?  How could no one have found this place?-"
"I can't tell you how it's possible, but you may learn one day."
Great, another mystery to add to my list of nine thousand.
"Is there anything you can tell me about this place?"
"Yes-a long time ago-we don't remember our founding as we don't think it's important-we founded this place when the law made it forbidden for women to have babies, and if they did-they'd be killed.  We here want to stop that...to protect the babies.  We can't change the law, but we can ignore it."
"How were you able to find all of the people with babies so they wouldn't be killed?"
"Well-we can't get to all of them in time, but some of us ladies here are always..'on the lookout', let's say."
"So what, you're patrolling the whole moon all the time?"
"Not exactly...but kinda.  We have eyes and ears everywhere."
"Top secret information."
I really should start a list.

"Here-I want you to meet my daughter."
"Elly!  Come over here-we have a new lady among us."
"Hello, miss, what's your name?"
"My name is Jezabelle Evans, it's nice to meet you."
"Yes, you too miss."
I smiled-she was so cute and polite-and gorgeous.  I hope my little boy will be as good looking as she is.  But his daddy is Pumell-so of course he will be.
On thinking of Pumell, I felt no tears coming-I wasn't feeling sad that I'd probably never see him again.  I started wondering why I ever loved him in the first place-.  It was strange, as if my feelings for him either evaporated, or ceased to exist.
Then the albino lady looked at me. "Oh, and that reminds me-I never introduced myself.  I am Colline Mendaline."
I smiled at her.  "Well, I'm glad that I don't have to think of you as-something else now..."
...albino lady.
She smiled, "I guess I got all caught up on trying to help-anyone could snatch him up in an instant..."
And with teleportation in play, that statement is more truth than exaggeration.
"Now Elly-you can run off now.  Thank you for being so polite with Jezabelle."
"Sure thing.  Bye!"  Elly ran off to play with her friends.

Then I turned my attention to an elevator I just noticed.  "Um-where are we exactly?"
"Well...I don't really want to tell you, but you'll figure it out eventually.  We're not going to keep you prisoner here-but we kinda have to with you baby-what's his name?"
"Ah, Ross.  That's such a handsome name.  Anyway, you'll be safe leaving here alone, now.  It's not like anyone besides your-erm...guy will know that you were pregnant?"
I smiled, at least I could assure her of that.  "Yeah, no one else knows.  What ever happened to you and-"
"Please, don't ever speak of that again.  You don't want to know how I got Elly.  It didn't exactly happen naturally."
I looked at her cluelessly- Harah has only told me of having babies with a guy after having sex with them-she never mentioned there being another possible way.  But, considering my ignorance, I didn't doubt her.
"Why don't I show you to your room?  You look exhausted."
We made our way to the elevator, and went down a few levels.  On the way there, I decided that I was shocked that Colline didn't look exhausted-she teleported too!  And she even teleported twice in one day!  According to what Harah has told me, that's almost unheard of...

Colline took me to my room, and I smiled.  There were minimal decorations, but it looked really sleek and clean.
"I hope this room will suffice for you and Ross."
"It will, thanks a lot.  How could I have become so lucky to find this place?" Though I didn't find this place..
"Oh-I wouldn't exactly call it luck..."
"How do you keep this place so neat and tidy?  It's not like you make any money-you don't expect me to pay, do you?  I am broke and without a job, and I am unable to get one.  Just trust me on that."
"Wo, wo, wo.  One question at a time.  For the first one, all of us ladies here try to pitch in to clean and such. Number two, I don't expect you to pay, money isn't exactly an object here.  All of us women here just want to see as many children survive as possible.  If you don't have any money, you have nothing to worry about.  Many ladies fork in a lot of money.  You don't have to if you have none."
Suddenly, I felt bad that I didn't have any money to give, even if it is covered.  Now I'm just mooching off a new group of people, I can't help it.  I am so dependent...
"Would you like to stay here, or go somewhere else?  I can take you to the baby/toddler daycare if you'd like."
I felt extremely tired, but I decided I had to know where I was-what this place lied under.
"Yes-I would like that very much, thanks."

She walked out of the room, and pointed at some double doors.
"You're in luck-the daycare center is next door."
Or maybe that's not so lucky-doesn't that mean I'll hear little kid screaming when I'm in my room?
I stopped to listen to the noise, and I realized that there were none. Wow, it must be nap time.
"Thanks Colline, I really appreciate all of this."
"Oh-we're not doing this for you.  It's for-let's just say it's for the good of the children."
Chills ran up and down my neck. What, so now she has a secret motive too? Through her tone of voice, it didn't seem like it was just the children she was doing this for-or even me.
I followed her to the daycare.

When we went inside-I smiled at the bright decor, and adorable little girls.  All of them had the cutest little outfits on.  Then I realized that they were all little girls- not one little boy was amongst them.  I also realized that all of the children on the playground were girls too.  And all I could think was: why?  What are the chances of their only being little girls?
Then I started to think, what if they only wished to save girls?  But then I looked at my little Ross's smiling face, and knew that that wouldn't be true, or I wouldn't be standing here now.
Colline talked to the daycare worker on the seat, "Hello Flora, we have a new lady here for you.  She would like to drop her son off."
She smiled and nodded.  Then Colline looked at me, "Well, the little girls on the playground are alone right now, so I'll be there if you need me.  Floor B1.  It was very nice to meet you."
"Thanks Colline-for everything."
"Don't mention it."

Flora got up to speak with me.
"Hi, I'm Flora as you already heard Colline say.  What's your name-and your baby's too, of course."
She looked at him with loveing, nice eyes.
"My name is Jezabelle Evans-and this is my baby, Ross."
"Oh, he's so adorable!  You are one lucky mom."
"Thank you!"
"So where are you going to go after you drop off your little darling?"
"I'm going to check out what building I'm in....I'm just curious."
She slowly nodded.  "I figured you would."
What, does everyone know me or something?!  SERIOUSLY!
"You can put your baby in a crib over there.  Don't worry, if he doesn't fall asleep, I will entertain him."

I wasn't worried about talking to this lady more to see if she was fit for watching over my son, since I just knew she would.  Ross will be fine!  I won't even be gone long, anyway.
I set Ross into one of the cribs nicely, and I looked at his face.  He seemed really happy here.  And if he's happy, I should be happy too.  
I looked at all of the cribs, and I laughed.  They were all pink and girly, which was proof that all of the kids here are girls, if proof is even necessary.

I made my way upstairs, and in the elevator, my heart was pounding so hard, and my legs threatened to capsize I was so excited.  I know it sounds weird to be excited just for knowing precisely where I am-but I was never the less.
When I got to the first floor, I looked around and stretched.  There really wasn't much to see.  There were two long hallways with some doors.  The only piece of furniture I saw was a desk-with a lovely woman sitting on it.  This striked me as weird, because all receptionists or cashiers seem to be guys-since there are few jobs that guys can do, so they pay them minimum wage for jobs like that.  But typically girls have to be paid more. This must be a very important building if it's a woman that's a receptionist-if she can even be called that.  There were a few cabinets behind her, but there was nothing on her desk-not even a computer.
I was glad that she didn't seem to notice me-I wasn't quite sure what she would tell me if she had.

Then, I decided I wanted to see what was down these hallways, so I made my way to the nearest hallway.
But right when I started to go down it, I blinked and a very strange lady appeared before me.
She had blue hair-and shiny skin.  I was shocked to realize that she probably had metallic skin.
I've never seen a robot before!  And she's so human-like, too...
As I stared at her, she made no change in facial expression at all.  She didn't once shift her weight, or move a single ounce of her body.
When I decided I was through marveling over her, I tried to pass her so I could see what was down the hallway, but I couldn't.  She didn't touch me at all, exactly, she didn't seem aggressive at all.  She just stood right before me as I tried to move past her.
Oh, so you don't want me to pass?  Ha!  I can do it!
For about five minutes, I tried my very best to move past her, but I stopped and decided it was futile.

Then I looked at the other hallway, and right as I did, a new robot teleported there.  This one wore a short, sparkly dress, had really dark silver skin, with long flowing, purple locks.  I decided that these robot girls were nothing I could mess with-there's no way I could beat them.  I mean-hello-they're robots!  How could I beat that?
I decided that this must be a very important building if they don't want me to go past.  What don't they want me to see?  Where am I?
I looked at the receptionist, and I realized that she hadn't noticed me this whole time.
Well-she still won't notice me if I leave for just a second.
I jogged outside, wondering where I was.

I made my way to the street to behold the building, and I gasped when I realized where I was.
Oh my gosh-it's...the building...
My thoughts lingered on the implications.  So everyone is in on this building except for me, just like with everything else.  Could this be the roots to why I don't know?
My thoughts became overwhelming, and I looked up at the stars. Oh, how I wish I could go to the roof of the lab to look at them through a telescope-it's been a while.
I yawned, this day has been so hard and long-it didn't help that I had teleported, either.  But then my stomach dropped.  Now way are them girl robots going to let me back in.
I sighed, knowing that I would have to teleport myself back into my room.  Teleportation is only possible if you've been to the place you wish to teleport to-and I was lucky that I had been there.  I held my breath and teleported back, getting ready for my body to be encompassed from exhaustion of a long, stressful day-plus two teleportations.

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